Sunday 2 September 2007

Mobile Phones Plans: T-mobile Unlimited Texts

You can get free unlimited texts to any person on any network on Saturdays and Sundays. The catch is you need to top up by £10 or more in one try on a Friday. To join text FRIDAY 441 from your T-mobile Pay as you go mobile phone.

There are as always terms and conditions so here goes:
If you are a T-mobile Pay as you go or U-Fix customer you must enrol before the 31st December to get 6 months of free weekend texts. You get a text when you topup by a tenner and when your 6 months are up.

There is a fair use of 3000 texts per weekend; if you go over you get warned and then terminated. Oh and if your a U-Fix if you change your mobile price plan outside U-fix you lose the texts.

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